Ceren Yildirim and Jineoloji Centre Europe
14.09.10:00 – 16:00Workshop, Diskussion, Session, Screening
Jineolojî is a term that comes from the Kurdish language: “Jin” means woman and is derived from “Jiyan”, which means life. The Latin “loji” stands for knowledge. Jineolojî emerged from the Kurdish women’s movement with the aim of solving social problems and bringing about a revolution in both the social sciences and other sciences. It is a partisan science that pursues the goal of abolishing patriarchy and all associated systems of domination. Jineolojî regards the emergence of patriarchy in the Neolithic period as the beginning of the oppression of women and the source of many of today’s social problems.
Jineolojî criticizes European science, especially sociology, for its positivist methods and the division of subject and object, as well as theory and practice. Based on the findings of quantum physics, which emphasizes the mutual conditionality of the observer and observed, these divisions are rejected. Jineolojî advocates a science that is not only concerned with revealing knowledge, but with how this knowledge can be used to liberate society.Its methods include researching history and analyzing the present in order to understand the relationship between people and society.
Jineolojî aims to include solutions or alternatives in its critiques and to be a science that strengthens women’s struggles for freedom. It should be useful and necessary for the construction of a democratic, ecological society based on women’s liberation.
This weekend, various researchers from the Jineoloji Center Brussels and the Jineoloji Committee Germany will be visiting us. We will gain an in-depth insight into Jineoloji in an autonomous setting (only women, inter, nonbinary and trans people). The focus will be on the archaeology of women, a concept from Jineoloji that deals with stories and myths that have historically shaped women’s identity.
How to participate?
In order to be able to estimate how many participants there will be, please register at: amargi.performance@proton.me
Duration: 6 hours
With breaks
Language: German
We can also translate into English and Kurdish (Kurmanci)
Concept and Idea: Ceren Yildirim
in Collaboration with Jineoloji Centre Europe
Gefördert von:
Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt
Hessische Theaterakademie
Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt