01.12.14:00 – 17:00Premiere, Walk, Real Life Video Game
Performance and wrap-up
Log into the world of the ORA Time Travel School via Telegram and explore the mystery of time energy together with your chat buddy Rona. You will discover the secrets of the students of time on the Bockenheim Campus and become part of the mystery that surrounds Rona and her friends.
In the fall holiday workshop “follow up”, young people were invited to work on a real-life video game. Now the hybrid piece is presented to an audience.
How to participate?
Guests will be sent off one after the other, please arrive by 16:15 at the latest.
You will need the Telegram Messenger app for the show. You’ll also be moving around outside, so bring a thick jacket.
To take part, you need a smartphone with the Telegram Messenger app that you or someone else can operate for you. Here you will receive text, pictures and videos. The route is not fully wheelchair accessible, but can be adapted. The Game addresses a single player, but can also be played by two.
Language: spoken and written German
Concept & Workshop: FEELINGS (Jil Dreyer & Joey Mehling)
Production: take the money and run (Maren Küpper & Amelie Haller)
Music: Tim Hesselbach
“follow up” is a cooperation with the IMPLANTIEREN 24 Festival in Frankfurt and the queer youth center KUSS 41.
The project is funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste in the GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS program as part of “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung” program funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.