Implantieren ‘24
Sept 7th to Dec 1st 2024
Frankfurt am Main/ Neu-Isenburg / Offenbach am Main

From participating in learning processes to attending performances during the weekend gatherings, “Implantieren ‘24” offers a variety of ways to get involved and, in collaboration with numerous partners, weaves a rich ecosystem of relationships.

Performing Art “On the Ruins of the University”

“Implantieren ‘24” is a performing arts festival called “On the Ruins of the University.” Taking place on the former university campus in Bockenheim, Frankfurt, it explores what new things can grow from the ideological heritage and physical remains of the university. The festival questions how we can reinvent societal learning without exclusions and how can we learn from brokenness now, rather than just preparing for the future?

With its 13 projects, across venues in Neu-Isenburg, Offenbach and Frankfurt, the festival lays out an imaginary topography of a university in ruins. There are projects that delve into the dungeons of the university, where the Enlightenment persecuted heretics, objectors, and deviant bodies, questioning which forms of knowledge and which bodies have been excluded. And others that settle in the in-between and unused spaces, asking if it’s possible to gather without purpose and practice a new form of community. And also those that study how the campus can be transformed back to its literal meaning, a “field,” and how this transformation can help us reopen questions about the endangered ecologies we are part of today.

Learn more about the ideas behind “Implantieren ‘24” in the Glossary “Learning With the Ruins”

Various ways to be part of it: “Learning Processes and Gatherings”

Implantieren sees art as learning and learning as an art form, offering various ways to get involved. Over the course of three months, the festival invites participants to engage in learning processes sparked by the projects at different intervals. At the end of each month, the festival hosts weekend gatherings with a concentrated program of workshops, discussions, film screenings, and performances that emerge from these processes. The idea is simple: just drop in and take part.

One can also attend the Festival as part of the visiting initiative in collaboration with Festivalfriends - &FriendsVisit, or by participating in our mini-lab for students. The lecture series “Learning to Learn,” in partnership with the Hessische Theaterakademie, took place earlier this year as a warm-up for the festival.

More about the gatherings here and about the program

Partners and cooperations

As a festival of the independent scene, Implantieren is establishing a network of relationships with other organizations and initiatives in its current edition, aiming to connect diverse audiences.
The festival and the projects collaborate for example with Offenes Haus der Kulturen, SCAPE° Offenbach, dem Café Hemdhoch in Neu-Isenburg, der Lebenshilfe Frankfurt, Material für Alle, the youth center Kuss 41, the LAB, dem Jineolojî-Zentrum Europa, a Ukrainian Womans choir, Hessische Theaterakademie and many others.

Implantieren ‘24 is the fifth edition of the biennial performance festival, organized by ID_Frankfurt – Independent Dance and Performance e.V., in collaboration with the network FESTIVAL FRIENDS.

Implantieren ‘24 is the sixth edition of the biennial performance festival, organized by ID_Frankfurt – Independent Dance and Performance e.V., in collaboration with the network FESTIVALFRIENDS.

**Implantieren ‘24 is funded by:
the Cultural Fund Frankfurt RheinMain,
the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main,
the Hessian Ministry for Science, Research, Art, and Culture,
the Crespo Foundation,
the Hessian Theater Academy,
Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds,
Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main,
City of Frankfiurt am Main, - Referat for international Affairs
Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thyringen, sowie die NasPa
the Cultural Foundation of the Municipal Sparkasse Offenbach am Main,
Kreis Offenbach
the Sparkasse Langen-Seligenstadt,
as well as

FESTIVALFRIENDS is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media through the programme Promoting Connections of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e. V.

The Accessibility Program of the festival is funded by Amt für Multikulturelle Angelegenheiten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.


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