Maeve Johnson
26.10.16:00 – 18:00Instalation, Session, Poetry
Step into Maeve Johnson’s intimate, cozy booth for a one-on-one erotic tarot reading that invites you to explore your deepest fantasies and desires. As a queerfeminist artist and movement practitioner, Maeve offers a unique and playful divination experience, guiding you through the mysteries of your sensual spirit. Let the cards reveal hidden passions and lead you on a journey of self-discovery in this immersive and enchanting tarot encounter.
How to participate?
The event is open to FLINTA*.
Sign up on-site, or arrange an appointment with Maeve.
FLINTA* stands for F: Frauen (Women), L: Lesben (Lesbians), I: Intergeschlechtliche Menschen (Intersex People), N: Nicht-binäre Menschen (Non-binary People), T: Transgeschlechtliche Menschen (Transgender People), and A: Agender Menschen (Agender People). The asterisk (*) is often added to indicate inclusivity and to highlight that these categories are not fixed.
LANGUAGE: Spoken English
DURATION: Each session lasts 15 minutes.Age: 18 and over
COMMENT ON DURATION: Each session lasts approximately 15 minutes. Please be patient with any unavoidable delays if someone arrives late and triggers a chain reaction, and try to be punctual to help avoid this. ;)POSSIBLE BARRIERS:
A part of the session involves viewing images and discussing them. Maeve is happy to describe the images to visually impaired participants or adjust the spoken language to accommodate different linguistic needs. All neurotypes are warmly welcomed, and we can work together to find what might work in terms of stimulation and attention.CONTENT NOTE:
The sessions involve discussions of sexuality and intimacy, which could potentially be triggering. Please be aware that Maeve is neither a trauma specialist nor a sex therapist, and the sessions are intended as a momentary artistic collaboration. We must take care of each other as best as we can, while also being mindful that we may not know each other’s sensitivities and triggers.
Maeve Johnson