helfersyndrom/Popp & the Weatherpunks (featuring Nicole Horny)
01.12.14:00 – 16:30Performance, Participation, Talk, Workshop
The final summit of the unsec (ice)mountain: Everyone’s talking about the weather – we too?
With Trump’s re-election and the end of the traffic light coalition, the world has become even more uncertain. The unsec is therefore also changing its un-plans and invites you to a celebration of the in-between in the increasingly cold weather. Advent, Advent, the little light is burning: on the ruins of the university and outside the door, at least we still have a bonfire to gather round. Dress warmly and bring your unfulfilled promises and expectations for the future! We’ll provide mulled wine, stick bread and … warming Weatherpunk conversations, of course!
How to participate?
Coming and going possible at any time. The event is open to everyone. Admission is free.
DURATION: 2.5 - 3 hrs
DURATION COMMENT: You can come and go at any time.
LANGUAGE REMARK: Poor English possible on request.
Short or longer conversations are held and presentations are given. These then require somewhat longer concentration. Participation with visual impairment is possible. The venue is also accessible for wheelchair users.
We talk about insecurity(ies) of all kinds. This can also touch on unpleasant topics. But you alone decide that!
A production by helfersyndrom/Popp & the Weatherpunks (featuring: Nicole Horny) in collaboration with the Implantieren Festival Frankfurt and SCAPE° Offenbach.