monster<3 booking
ich pich
charm hate
gertie adelaido
dj666oy boooking
Perfomance of Haus of Audacity (Rage & Aaro)
Baddie B
Rage b2b Aaro
30.11.20:00 – 04:00Party, Performance, Dj sets
„Monster<3“ mit C.C.BB bereitet die Abschlussparty für das Festival Implantieren vor, bei der Frankfurt auf die Prager Clubszene trifft.
Abschlussparty Implantieren
20:00 - 3:30 Frankfurt LAB
Monster<3s booking
prague.frankfurt hook-up
20:00 ich pich
21:30 dné
22:00 charon hate
22:30 gertie adelaido
23:00 j.c.femmefatale
23:30 dj666oy
C.C.BB boooking
00-00.30: Perfomance of Haus of Audacity (Rage & Aaro)
00.30-2: Baddie B
2-3.30: Rage b2b Aaro
dné (pronounced [d-neh]) is ambient electronic musician Ondřej Holý from Prague, the Czech Republic.
His debut album called “These Semi Feelings, They Are Everywhere” was released in November 2016 via Majestic Casual Records. It won two national awards for Album of the Year (Vinyla, Apollo) and one for Best Electronic Album (Anděl).
Imrich Pisarovič a.k.a. Ich Pich is currently a Bratislava-based artist working with various prisons of media available proving themselves as suitable for emotional and intellectual transfers.
charon hate, j.c.femmefatale, dj666oy are part of club dance macabre collective
dj666oy is Babyboy, faith straight from the gutter. Outernationally known to the unknown. #Supersonicbass
gertie adelaido is an open channel, sound experimentalist, artist and meta-punk & ADHD-core creator. Through the heart of chaos they combine different areas of harsh noise, raw experimental sound, their hardcore, metal & screamo roots, contemporary electronics, drums and blending it all to contemporary finished mix. gertie’s work might be a bit troublemaker in general since for HC it’s too experimental and for experimental too HC, but the final piece is an unique genre crossover and its expression of contexts.
Baddie B is passionate about amplifying diversity and female representation in nightlife, her goal is simple: to keep you dancing.
The HAUS OF AUDACITY is an international collective of trans and non-binary artists. Based in Berlin and Cologne, they are your gate away to a world where unapologetic audacity reigns supreme. This collective includes DJs, performers, drag artists, ballroom agents, singers, and media creatives, all united by a shared commitment to showcasing the power of community and togetherness. They curate events that challenge conventional norms, embracing authenticity in a way that inspires and captivates all who experience our unique expression of life.
Supported by Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Referat für internationale Angelegenheiten
Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds
Inspiriert von alten und aktuellen Monstermythologien, Drag- und Camp-Clubkultur, schafft „Monster<3“ einen brave space, in dem Normativität und Virtuosität abgelehnt werden und Menschen mit Behinderungen und andere Festivalbesucher durch Tanz und Party in einen Dialog treten.
Crémant. Cava. Booty Bounce. ist eine Initiative queerer BI*PoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) FLINTA* (Frauen, Lesben, Inter Personen, Nichtbinäre Personen, Trans* Personen, Agender Personen und weitere geschlechtliche Identitäten) aus Frankfurt und Umgebung mit dem Ziel, gegen die fehlende Repräsentation von BI*PoC FLINTA* in Club, Kunst und Kultur zu wirken und gleichzeitig Wissensaustausch und Weiterbildung von BI*PoC FLINTA* zu fördern. Langfristig strebt C.C.BB. die Etablierung von safer Spaces von und für marginalisierte Stimmen in der Gesellschaft an. Gleichzeitig öffnen die Veranstaltungen Räume der Reflektion und des Perspektivwechsels für privilegiertere Personen.
Don’t miss this!