The future of the Bockenheim Campus and the Cultural Campus begins now.

A lot of empty space, that cannot be used

Implantieren is not only a festival, but also an urban strategy for addressing the lack of spaces for experimentation and art in Frankfurt am Main. With large areas of the city remaining vacant, following the 2022/23 edition, the festival is re-implanting itself on the Bockenheim campus for the second time. However, the plan to explore the ‘ruins of the university’ in the vacant buildings, such as the former Art Library, could not be realized due to the current lack of political agreement on their use.

Implantieren explores how the idea of ​​a cultural campus can be filled to life.

On the former university campus in Bockenheim, the Kulturcampus intends to form an area that combines art, culture, science, teaching, living and commerce. Against the backdrop of a growing awareness of the harmful effects of demolition and new construction on the climate, and the initiatives that have emerged from society to claim space on the site, a debate has arisen about what this transformation should look like in concrete terms. But it is not just about the future, it is about what is happening now: The vacant spaces are an opportunity to try out what a neighbourhood that is diverse and responds to the issues of the present can look like. With the festival’s diverse programme, Implantieren is also testing how the idea of a ‘cultural campus’ can be brought to life, bringing together independent art scenes and community initiatives.

The network: The Open House of Cultures, Vision 31, Making Frankfurt, AStA, Ada-Kantine, Material for All.

Implantieren ‘24 is part of a broader network on the campus: In an effort to organize interim use of the art library, Implantieren collaborated with Vision 31. The festival takes place in parts of the Student House and the campus grounds in cooperation with the Open House of Cultures, which aims to transform the Student House into a future cultural center, with the kind permission of the AStA.

On the open space of the Bockenheim Campus, the festival utilizes the Open Walls and the open-air stage provided by Making Frankfurt. For the setup of the festival center ProsorciTé, Implantieren collaborates with Material für Alle, a Frankfurt initiative focused on sustainable resource use in the arts.

We extend our thanks to Ada-Kantine for providing food during our breaks.

Offenes Haus der Kulturen

Vision 31

Making Frankfurt

Material für Alle


Studierendenhaus Frankfurt
